Testing aptitudes in the adult learning setting is an aspect in which
similarities exists between the potential of adult learners to pass their
weekly assignments and the levels at which they are passing their exams. Testing aptitude skills are vital for the
adult learners’ achievement in all aspects of life. Adult learners need to have strong testing
skills in order to succeed within the confines of school life and real life
The goal of this research is to ultimately have adult learners testing
aptitudes evaluated and make some tacit recommendations. The goal will be reached by utilizing an
effective teaching strategy while getting student feedback throughout the
process. The objectives are to elevate
the adult learners’ mastery level on passing their weekly assignments and
ultimately their courses. Adult learners will accomplish this by engaging in a
survey that has been specifically designed to increase their testing aptitudes
throughout an implementation period. The
implementation period will be the duration of the course or the program that
the adult learner is enrolled in. Also, through the survey, adult learners will
have a chance to select their preferred learning style. When adult learners
become more engaged, are able to participate in class activities, have
sufficient remediation, and are interested in a topic, the research has shown
that their passing scores rise significantly.
In the classroom, methods of implementing effective teaching strategies
and choosing interesting topics will ultimately increase student achievement in
this selected population of adult learners.
Theoretical Framework
As instructors, we use routines during lessons to deliver instruction,
however, the usual classroom routine sometimes are not effective for developing
new concepts. In my opinion, the adult learner will not have a deep
understanding of the lesson and pass their required assessments. That is why
the teacher would not be able to teach the subject effectively to them. An
adult learner’s mind is at full point of maturity, therefore most concepts
should be understood. It is our job to find out what styles adult learners want
to learn in because they are, for the most part, set in their ways. Adult
learners will need to know the gist of how the classroom will operate.
Currently, most adult learning program or courses stress goals and objectives
based on building knowledge and using skills in a coordinated curriculum. They
fail to provide strategies for instruction early in the course. I do not think
that in andragogy, education should be only taught by a content area specialist
because a lot of other factors come into play. We, as teachers, need to account
for each and every one of our students. A content-area specialist sole focus
will be teaching the curriculum and make sure that every student understands
the concept being taught. But there is a need to know what everyone brings to
the table and how to better reach our students and therefore help raise their
testing aptitudes.
Perhaps the greatest challenge that educators face is enabling adult
learners that are subjected to different stresses of life improve their test
taking skills. Many of these adult learners have children of their own who also
face considerable barriers to their learning. Nearly 20 percent of Americans
live in poverty, and they achieve academically at much lower levels than their
more affluent peers. What can educators do to help such adult learners improve
their test taking skills? In order to answer that question, we need to analyze
every aspect of the adult learner’s abilities. We will develop a survey for
that purpose.
Literature review
Dallmer (2004) suggests that adult learners should take their test
cooperatively. The author cites that the testing atmosphere for some students
is both hostile and unproductive. The author continues by stating that it can
cause anxiety for some adult learners. Passing a test is an important factor of
keeping the adult learner motivated. It is possible that test anxiety may
re-occur if it played an important role in the past for adult learners. Past test taking experiences may either
hinder or help the adult learner. It is important to understand that aspect in
the adult learner’s testing abilities. The author finishes by suggesting a
cooperative test taking method associated with the quantity of recall. Kecker
(2007) attempted to determine what teachers can do to develop responsible
students with the knowledge, skills, and compassion to meet the challenges of
their curriculum. The author also attempted to determine if teachers possessed
the understanding of the content and the resources offered to efficiently
incorporate environmental education into their instructional programs. Peterson
and Mayer (2002) focused on specific aspects of schooling that influence the
way student learns, such as classroom size, and curriculum, as well as the
effectiveness of structural reforms. The relationship between cognitive test
scores and economic success is of particular interest. The author determined
that the higher the poverty levels in certain areas, the higher the chances of
students (adult learners in this particular research) are in failing their
assessments due to life stresses and challenges.
Adult learners are our target population and we will simply offer a
survey during week one of our class or program. Before considering the testing
abilities of our adult learners, we need to be aware of their particular
learning styles. We need to cater to the perception, input, organization,
processing and understanding dimensions. We also need to be aware of Blanchard
situational leadership styles. The survey will consist of first asking what the
students’ best learning styles are and display all possibilities with examples.
The survey will then ask specific questions relating to how students have
scored for previous assessments or exams. The survey will also ask questions
about how students personally feel about testing and what their preferences are
when they are testing. Studies have been conducted encouraging the
effectiveness of the use of surveys in adult instruction, with findings that
document the success of this type of instruction. A copy of the survey is
attached in the Appendix section of the paper.
The instructor will need to constantly evaluate their courses or
programs throughout the implementation of the survey’s findings with the use of
weekly communications. The initial
results will reveal that the flow of the course will increase by 30 percent
with the implementation of a differentiated instruction. The students’ progress
will be closely monitored throughout the course or program by the instructor
who will consider the students learning styles.
In addition, the instructor will also work with the students to make
sure that all of the assignments are turned in on time. The students will be asked to keep an agenda
where they will write all of the assignments and any other important
information such as tests, and projects. If the students have a grade of 70
percent or higher on their assignments and multiple in-class activities, the
main goal of the survey has been successfully obtained. Interviews will also be given throughout the
course or program. The interviews will
be used to determine the adult learners’ interest in the class, their preferred
methods of instruction, and their thoughts on the course.
We need to revamp our teaching strategies in adult education in order
to meet our students’ needs and increase their test taking abilities. Past
teaching strategies have simply included direct instruction. A new way of
teaching, which includes differentiated modes of instruction and the use of a
survey in the beginning stages of our classes, needs to be executed. They need to have as goal the self-directed
learner. Researches have been conducted promoting the effectiveness of
differentiated instruction and the use of surveys. Some might argue that the
adult population is learning considerably less than they should. They are in
our classrooms unable to think critically, and probably account for a
significant amount of the reason assessment scores does not show much
improvement. In the future, these groups
of students might be potential underachievers. As adults, we are typically set
in our ways and usually only focus on paying the bills. In the light of this
dilemma, we have to ask ourselves this question, should we or should we not
consider promoting a program or course that will help the adult learner set
better goals for success by becoming better test takers?
Dallmer, D. (2004). Collaborative Test Taking with Adult Learners.
Adult Education Across the Discipliness, 15, p. 4-7.
Kecker, K. (2007). Environmental Education: What Is Our Responsibility?
Principal (Reston, Va.), 87(2), p. 64-65.
Easton, L. (2007). Engaging the Disengaged: How Schools Can Help
Struggling Students Succeed.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Peterson, P., & Mayer, S. (1999). Earning and Learning: How Schools
Matter. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Name: _______________________________________
Test taking aptitude
My preferred learning
style is (circle the one that relates to you):
Directions: Please answer the following statements by checking next to Agree
or Disagree.
1.) I enjoy taking
tests frequently ___Agree ___Disagree
2.) Taking a test
makes me anxious ___Agree ___Disagree
3.) My test taking
capacity is below average ___Agree ___Disagree
4.) I like multiple
questions in a test ___Agree ___Disagree
5.) I like true or
false questions in a test ___Agree ___Disagree
6.) I enjoy writing
essays ___Agree ___Disagree
7.) I feel
discouraged when I get a bad grade ___Agree ___Disagree
8.) I actively
participate in class ___Agree ___Disagree
9.) I want to improve
my test taking skills ___Agree ___Disagree
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